South Shore Equine Clinic & Diagnostic Center is pleased to announce the Superior Preventative Wellness Plan. Similar to human pediatric care and in small animal veterinary practices, this plan will enable us to screen for early signs of problems and ensure that each individual horse receives care tailored specifically to his or her needs.

Even with the numerous supplements, new diets and medications available, the healthy, competitive horse can develop underlying problems which could go undetected for years. By ensuring your horse receives a yearly physical exam (including an ophthalmic exam, heart auscultation, and nutritional evaluation), blood and fecal screening, and appropriate preventative care, you will help to detect early signs of diseases or underlying problems before they become a big problem and/or have long term effects.

Our senior patients are living longer, requiring closer nutritional management and proper dental care by a trained veterinarian. Younger patients benefit by establishing individual normal values, or baselines, which we can refer back to if and when problems arise. Enroll your horse today and SAVE!!

Superior Preventative Wellness Plan Includes:

  • 3 Farm calls or Office visits (two in the spring & one in the fall)
  • Extended Physical Exam (including Cardiac and Ophthalmic Exams)
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Core vaccines (Rabies, two Flu/Rhino, Eastern & Western Encephalitis, Tetanus Toxoid, West Nile)
  • Coggins Testing
  • Two fecal exams with egg counts
  • Oral/dental exam with Powerfloating and appropriate sedation
  • Sheath Cleaning (while sedated for Powerfloating)
  • Two Ivermectin/ Praziquantel dewormers
  • Routine blood screening (CBC, Blood Chemistry, Electrolytes)

By participating in the Wellness Plan, your horse will also qualify for 5% off any additional service for the entire year.

The cost for all of these services would total over $2000!! By enrolling in the Superior Preventative Wellness Program you will only pay $875.00! Each additional horse enrolled in the Wellness Plan, under the same owner is $700.00 per horse. Enrollment must be for each individual horse. We require payment at the time of enrollment and you can enroll your horse(s) at any time. Once enrolled, the plan automatically re-enrolls the patient(s) each year.

Please call our office with any questions and to enroll your horse today!