We are proud to be one of only 32 equine veterinary clinics nationwide to offer standing MRI for equine patients!

When it comes to treating a horse with lameness, identifying the cause is crucial. With MRI, guesswork is eliminated, allowing for an accurate diagnosis. This significantly improves the horse’s chances of returning to performance. Precise diagnosis leads to proper treatment, resulting in the best possible prognosis.

Considering an MRI for your horse? A standing MRI saves time and money, reduces uncertainty, and lowers the risk of further injury compared to general anesthesia. The procedure takes only 1-2 hours.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call our office at 781-585-2611 or email us to speak with our MRI specialist.

What is an equine MRI?


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful diagnostic tool that allows us to see bone, cartilage, tendon, & ligaments. MRI studies allow for the highest level of diagnostic accuracy. If your horse has a lameness problem that cannot be diagnosed, you should strongly consider having an MRI study performed.

  • Equine MRI provides a series of images in three planes that are more detailed than X-rays or ultrasound.
  • Equine MRI is recognized as the best way to identify the cause of foot pain, as it allows us to evaluate structures deep within the hoof.
  • Equine MRI provides us with the information to accurately diagnose the source of lameness problems and devise a targeted and more effective treatment plan.


What are the benefits of an equine MRI?

Accurate Diagnosis:

  • Shows more detail than X-rays or ultrasound especially for soft tissue and bone injuries
  • Allows targeted (more effective) therapy
  • Better predict long term outcome
  • Reduces overall total costs to client

Reduces cost to horse owner by:

  • Eliminating repeat exams by veterinarians
  • Cost of unsuccessful treatments
  • Loss of work opportunity cost
  • Unnecessary rest and lay up costs
  • Costs of unsuccessful corrective shoeing

MRI is most cost effective if NOT used as a last resort.

When do I need an equine MRI?

If the lameness can be isolated to a specific area and radiographs and ultrasound exams are negative, then MRI is the modality of choice. It provides unrivalled capabilities for detecting soft tissue injuries and subtle bone lesions, such as bone edema, sclerosis, and hairline fractures.

Fact: MRI identifies the source of lameness in 85% of undiagnosed lameness in the distal limb.

What happens when my horse has an MRI?

  • Shoe removal: After admission at our clinic, your horse’s shoes will be removed. This is so their feet don’t get stuck to the magnet.
  • Sedation: MRI can be performed whilst the horse is standing. Light sedation is given to make the experience less stressful and to ensure the horse stands very still during the procedure.
  • Metal check: Fragments of old clenches sometimes remain in the hoof. X-ray is used to detect any metal fragments which are then carefully removed. Metal remaining in the hoof causes a black area in the MRI image and could damage your horse’s foot.
  • MRI scan: Your horse is now ready to enter the MRI room. Hundreds of images are taken which often takes a few hours to complete. Often the non-lame leg will also be scanned for comparison.
  • Next steps: Once your horse has woken up from the sedation they are ready to travel home. A specialist vet will review the images and provide a diagnosis. A treatment plan can then be actioned.

When is equine MRI useful?

  • Carpus/Tarsus: MRI may identify a wider range of pathologies than radiography or ultrasound alone.
  • Suspensory ligament: Local anesthesia may localize the area of pain, but identification of the specific injury can be challenging. MRI can help.
  • Fetlock: The fetlock acts as one of the main shock absorbers in the limb. Change in bone density is a normal response to exercise, but excessive stress can result in bone damage. MRI can detect these changes early in the disease progress resulting in quick treatment.
  • Pastern: Breed types with heavily feathered legs and thick skin can present a problem when trying to diagnose conditions effecting structures such as the annular ligament, flexor sheath, or flexor tendons using ultrasound alone.
  • Foot: The hoof makes assessment for the soft tissues. MRI can image bony and soft tissue structures meaning complete evaluation of all structures is possible.

Ultrasound: Shows soft tissue lesion of SDFT

MRI: Shows lesion of SDFT and check ligament (not seen on ultrasound)

Example of a DDFT tear that was within the hoof and not detectable with radiographs or ultrasound

Example of bone edema (white arrow) in the pastern bone that was not detectable with a radiograph.


Many lameness cases can significantly benefit from MRI diagnostics.

MRI has revolutionized the diagnosis of foot lameness and is recognized as the best way to diagnose the cause of foot pain.

  • “Navicular syndrome” is now recognized as a term that can describe many different diseases of the foot and only an MRI can distinguish between them. Most problems do not affect the navicular bone, but instead relate to soft tissues, such as the deep digital flexor tendon and/or collateral ligaments. Soft tissue is not visible on X-ray, and the hoof limits visualization with ultrasound. Only MRI can detect soft tissue lesions deep in the foot.
  • With a better diagnosis your veterinarian can:
    • Better predict the long-term outcome
    • Plan effective treatment
  • MRI is also the most powerful tool for certain forms of lameness above the foot.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call our office at 781-585-2611 or email us to speak with our MRI specialist.


  • Sir Grand success story:

After having an MRI, Sir Grand’s owner is looking forward to enjoying his companionship for many years to come.

My horse, “SirGrand”, had a severe episode of chronic lameness of unknown cause. He had been treated for an abscess for two weeks, with no results. Not only could I not ride him, he could not even go outside! Repeated tests did not reveal the cause of his problem and his life quality became so poor as a result of this problem, that I even considered ending it to relieve him of his misery.

“SirGrand” was diagnosed with a deep bruise in one of his bones, only detectable by MRI.

It then came to my attention that there is a test that goes far beyond any other tests for problems in this area of horses, called: a “Standing MRI”. What was even more exciting for me was to know I could get it done right in my backyard, at South Shore Equine Clinic. Moreover, they have told me “SirGrand” could have this exam with only mild sedation so that he could go back to the trailer on his own at the completion of the test. I decided to give this test a try and hoped for the best, but was also prepared for the worst.

And what a delight it was to get a definite diagnosis with this test; that “SirGrand” had a deep bruise in one of his bones, undetectable with other means. With this diagnosis, the doctors at South Shore Equine Clinic were able to prescribe him the appropriate treatment and in only four weeks “SirGrand” is back to himself so that I can even ride him again! He no longer suffers from pain and I look forward to enjoying his companionship for many more years.

In addition to an accurate diagnosis and treatment, his veterinarian, Dr. Cimetti dealt with him with the utmost attention and care and was very patient with me too, showing me the images of his lesion. The staff at South Shore Equine Clinic was very friendly and attentive to my need, which really made me feel I was in the right place for “SirGrand” and for me.

Thank you so much Dr. Cimetti and the staff at South Shore Equine Clinic for your excellent care.

-Lisa Mann

You can learn more about the Hallmarq standing MRI at https://hallmarq.net/ – discover case studies, FAQs, and more.