For mares that are showing and competing, those that have a poor uterine environment or those mares with non-reproductive health problems, ET is a good alternative. After breeding a donor mare to a fertile stallion either with live cover or artificial insemination, the embryo is flushed and recovered from the donor mare. It is then transferred into a synchronized recipient mare (surrogate). ET allows an individual mare to produce multiple foals in one year. Embryos from aged, sub-fertile mares are often defective and have low survival rates; therefore, these mares are not ideal candidates for embryo transfer.
Regardless of breeding technique, the mare should have a breeding soundness exam and ultrasound to determine where she is in her reproductive cycle. This will ensure that the mare is bred at the optimal time in her cycle which will improve the chance of her becoming pregnant.
If you have any questions or are interested in these breeding services, please contact South Shore Equine Clinic at (781) 585-2611 or email [email protected].