A thorough working knowledge of podiatry permits the veterinarian to readily interact with the farrier. Podiatry must be tailored to individual breed/discipline issues that vary from practice to practice. The successful outcome of many lameness issues depends upon proper corrective trimming and shoeing. Therefore a solid vet-farrier relationship is essential in devising and maintaining a treatment plan for your horse.

Diagnostics used at South Shore Equine Clinic to assess foot problems and guide subsequent hoof trimming and corrective shoeing include lameness localization with diagnostic nerve blocks, digital radiography (CR), ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nutritional counseling, when indicated. We welcome your horse and farrier to come to the clinic so together we can use the aforementioned modalities to assess the bony column, soft tissue structures and any other hoof abnormality that may be affecting your horse. We then discuss targeted therapies and therapeutic shoeing options with you and you farrier and come up with a strategic plan for shoeing your horse with the most precise and appropriate support.

Consultation Services

We offer the consultation services of an equine veterinary specialist in podiatry, Dr. Steve O’Grady. Dr. O’Grady is both a veterinarian and a farrier who has dedicated his veterinary career to understanding and treating hoof problems. He has published numerous articles in both veterinary and farrier literature and he has lectured extensively both in the US and internationally. He will work closely with us, your horse and your horse’s farrier to address any complicated hoof issues and come up with a plan for future trimming and shoeing.

The doctors at South Shore Equine Clinic encourage close communication and consultation about our findings with your farrier to devise a plan for the most appropriate trimming and shoeing of your horse.

In-House Farrier Services

South Shore Equine Clinic offers farrier services at our facility with your farrier or with a farrier more specialized in what your horse may need. Please contact our office 781-585-2611, if you have any questions about our farrier services or if you would like to schedule an appointment.