LASER surgery has been widely accepted as a higher standard of care in human medicine for over 30 years. It presents a host of benefits over traditional surgery, and in many procedures, they can replace the scalpel entirely.

What are the benefits of LASER surgery?

Less Pain

The laser seals nerve endings as it “cuts.” As a result, your horse will experience less pain and be more comfortable after surgery.

Less Bleeding

The Laser seals small blood vessels during surgery. Because there is less bleeding, surgery is often completed more quickly; reducing the amount of time you horse will be under anesthesia. This further reduced potential complications.

Reduced Swelling & Infection 

Physical contact between the laser and the surgical region is never established, thus eliminating the crushing, tearing and bruising of tissue associated with traditional surgical methods. Additionally, the CO2 laser energy acts as an antimicrobial/antibacterial agent by producing high temperatures, effectively eliminating microorganisms.

Quick Return to Normal Activities 

Healing is rapid and there is less post-operative discomfort and a better course of healing.

The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser

Seals nerve endings
Seals lymphatics
Seals small blood vessels

This results in LESS PAIN, LESS BLEEDING, and LESS SWELLING all leading to a QUICKER RECOVERY for the horse.

The CO2 LASER provides the surgeon maximum flexibility and precision, resulting in better results.


  • Skin incisions and dissections – CASTRATIONS
  • Sarcoid and skin tumor Removal
  • Melanoma Removal
  • Excessive Granulation Tissue (“Proud Flesh”) Removal
  • Oral lesion debulking and photovaporization
  • Nerve Resections – NEURECTOMIES
  • Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Removal
  • Penile Papilloma Removal
  • Urogenital Tumor debulking and photovaporization
Dr. Reilly has been using LASERs  for the past 17 years

The Diode Laser

The Diode LASER is a minimally invasive surgical LASER with multiple surgical applications in equine medicine.  Because it is minimally invasive, it reduces or eliminates the need for anesthesia, reduces pain and chance of infection, which leads to a shorter recovery time for the horse.

The Diode LASER seals vessels while cutting or ablating, so blood loss is minimal, which is particularly important during internal procedures.  It is especially useful in ENDOSCOPIC procedures in equine surgery.


  • Epiglottic Entrapment
  • Nasal pharyngeal obstructions
  • Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate
  • Upper airway obstruction
  • Guttural Pouch membrane ablation
  • Ablation of Endometrial Cysts
  • Spleen Biopsies