As spring approaches, start planning now for the upcoming show season! Included in your calendar book should be appointments for the following:
Annual Exam:
Prior to spring conditioning, be sure your horse is healthy by having a yearly check up performed. Take this time to review your horse’s diet and exercise schedule with your veterinarian and make any necessary changes before the upcoming season.
A good immunization program is essential to responsible horse ownership, and the only way to help protect your horse against the many infectious diseases that afflict our beloved friends today. Please check out our website for the most up to date recommendations for vaccinating your horse.
Coggins Testing:
Blood tests should be performed in the spring, or at the time of sale, to detect Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). This test is good for one year in the state of Massachusetts, not two, as was previously required.
Internal Parasites are the silent killer. At SSEC we perform fecal egg counts to detect the exact parasite load in your horse and through strategic de-worming, assist you in minimizing that parasite load. (Click HERE for more information)
Dental Care:
Every horse should have a dental exam by a veterinarian yearly, and the teeth should be floated as needed. We practice performance dentistry to optimize your horse’s dental health and overall performance, no matter what discipline. We are also happy to offer specialty dental services such as extractions, diastemata treatments and fillings (yes, horses get cavities too!) on a case by case basis.
Hoof Care:
All horses should have their feet trimmed every four to eight weeks. This will keep the walls level and prevent cracks or splitting of the hoof wall. The feet of every horse should be inspected and cleaned with a hoof pick daily. If you or your blacksmith notice any abnormalities, advice on corrective trimming may be necessary.